Upcoming Shows Summer 2024 -  Vegas July 27 - August 01 /  NY NOW August 04 - August 07 /   Make Your Appointment Today

What started as a personal passion project, blossomed into a global movement.

At first, we just worked with artisans in Kenya, Indonesia, and Ecuador because all three countries sit on the equator line—symbolizing how LOVE connects us all, through one global rotation.

However, we now work with artisans in 10 countries and provide jobs and new opportunities to 2,000 female artisans across the globe. One bracelet at a time, we’ve been able to impact the lives of thousands through job opportunities, financial freedom, and charitable donations. We believe in meeting the moment whenever a community needs our support.

With one small idea and one bracelet...

Find Your Brand Concierge for Love Is Project

Division: Northeast, Southeast Lifestyle, West